Monday, June 29, 2015

15 Seemingly Smart Health Tips That Are Actually The Worst


To help, we talked to experts about the most common crappy health tips you probably believe. Some just won't get you anywhere and some are actually TERRIBLE for your health — either way, here's all the advice not to take and what to do instead.

Don't eat after a certain point at night or else you'll gain weight.

Don't eat after a certain point at night or else you'll gain weight.

You've probably heard of the importance of ~not eating after 8 PM~ or something similar when you're trying to be healthy. Timing does play into how your eating habits affect weight loss, because unhealthy foods are the worst when you eat them at inactive times, but there's not much of a difference between eating a cookie at 3 PM at your desk and before you go to bed, Albert Matheny, C.S.C.S., R.D., co-founder of Soho Strength Lab in New York City tells BuzzFeed Life. You're inactive at both hours of the day, so your body will store that sugar as fat either way. But when it comes to snacking healthily at night, it's all about moderation, not time.

Better advice: "Apply the same rules of healthy eating you would at any other time of day, and you'll be fine," says Matheny.

Nickelodeon / Via Twitter: @HeyArnoldLife

Take Tylenol or another OTC medicine to deal with a hangover.

Do you love your liver? DO NOT DO THIS. Mixing alcohol and acetaminophen (Tylenol) can cause liver damage. In fact, you should be super careful when you mix OTC medication with alcohol in any capacity — that Advil you took for your headache yesterday might still be in your system when you go out tonight. For more details on how to be safer when popping pills and popping bottles, read this.

Better advice: The National Institute of Health suggests drinking slowly and on a full stomach to prevent hangovers, as well as drinking lots of water (if not between every drink, then at least before bed). Then, if you wake up in the morning feeling wretched, sports drinks and bouillon soup are good for replacing the salt and potassium you lose when you drink booze.

Vitamins and supplements will help you be healthier.

Vitamins and supplements will help you be healthier.

Nope. You do need vitamins to be healthy, yes, but the thing is, if you eat a balanced diet, you will probably get all the vitamins that you need. In fact, unless you have a specific need (like if you're a vegan supplementing your plant-based diet with B12), vitamins could actually be hurting your health.

Better advice: Load up on vitamin-rich foods and talk to your doctor on what deficiencies you might need to supplement.

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